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In-house courses available

We run several courses – choose the one you need from the list below.

These courses are also available as virtual in-house courses.

Plain English in-house course

This is the course you need if you want to learn and put into practice plain English principles where you work.

Plain English and report writing in-house course

Choose this course if you want to learn basic plain English principles and use them to revamp your reports.

Plain English in-house two-day course

A more intensive, more in-depth version of our one-day in-house course.

Grammarcheck in-house course

This is the course for you if you need to refresh your basic grammar skills.

Advanced grammar in-house course

This course is for those of you that want to turn a good grasp of grammar into an excellent one.

Writing for websites in-house course

Take this course if you want to improve your website. Write better web copy, make your site more accessible and avoid some common mistakes.

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